Blooming with Natural Gas: Celebrating National Gardening Week 

  • Stephen Rupp
  • The first full week in June, Americans celebrate National Gardening week. Gardens are a source of pride for many individuals and communities, bringing people together to enjoy pleasant views, captivating aromas and delicious produce. While hard work and tilled soil are the most important parts of making any garden a success, there are many hidden resources that play a part – including natural gas.  

    Natural gas is a critical input for modern fertilizers. Key fertilizer feedstocks (or building blocks) like ammonia are produced from natural gas. Utilizing more than 95 billion cubic feet of natural gas each year to produce these key chemicals means that for both home gardens and commercial farming, there is a direct line from the availability of low-cost natural gas to affordable fruits and vegetables and glorious flowering spaces.  

    Agriculture accounts for nearly 15% of the total demand for natural gas – equivalent to the consumption of the entire state of California. This dependability of natural gas for fertilizers underscores its importance in commercial agriculture and hobby gardening alike.  

    This National Gardening Week, take some time to get outside and enjoy the start of summer in your local garden, celebrating the natural beauty that gardens have to offer in so many neighborhoods and communities. Whether you’re admiring colorful flowers, planting a vegetable patch, or just enjoying the early summer weather, gardens can provide a sense of community and connection to nature. And while you’re outside, know that America’s affordable, reliable, and safe natural gas system has a critical part in keeping these spaces green and growing – now and for the future.