Cooking with Gas – Restaurants, Families and Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a wonderful celebration of community and gratitude for many around the country. With more than 1.4 billion pounds of turkey expected to be consumed this year, millions of families around the country are each celebrating Thanksgiving in a unique and special way.
Many families will celebrate at home with a homecooked meal. Home chefs who want to make their holiday cooking more efficient and consistent know that cooking with gas is the best way to tackle the Turkey Day feast. The ease and speed afforded by natural gas ovens and cooktops help streamline cooking, freeing up more time to spend with family. The consistent heat and precise temperature control allow for perfect preparation of everything from the turkey to the pies.
While inspiration for beautiful dishes runs rapid across social media feeds, those end results do not come without effort—preparing for the holiday, between shopping and cooking, can take 1.5 times longer than actually enjoying the meal. That’s why some families will forgo cooking at home, opting to eat at a local restaurant instead. In fact, approximately 57% of U.S. consumers plan on eating out at a restaurant for holiday meals. And it’s almost guaranteed that those families will still benefit from a meal cooked by natural gas.
According to the National Restaurant Association, 76% of restaurants in the U.S. are cooking with natural gas. In the words of Chef Jeff Bradley in Phoenix, AZ, when cooking with gas “[we’re] talking about power. We’re talking about the ability to cook many things rapidly, which is what every chef in every restaurant needs.”
Regardless of whether your holiday meal is at home or in your favorite restaurant this Thanksgiving, natural gas utilities are proud to be fueling your family holiday. Whether you’re hosting a large family gathering or enjoying dinner at your favorite local restaurant, natural gas ensures your Thanksgiving is about making memories with those closest to you.