Cool People Call 811 Before They Dig 

It’s August 11, which means it’s everyone’s favorite holiday – National Call Before You Dig Day! 

Question: What does putting in a new mailbox, planting a tree, building a fence, or starting a new garden all have in common? 

Answer: It’s really important to call 811 at least three business days before you start on any of the above. 

The natural gas you use to cook or heat your home gets to your house through a pipe buried under your lawn. The same is true of the water you use and the cables that bring you electricity and internet access. Similarly, when you flush your toilet, that all must go somewhere, with “somewhere” being yet another pipe under your lawn. 

The dangers of accidentally cutting a pressurized sewage line (or natural gas line, or electrical cable, or any other important infrastructure) with a shovel may seem obvious, but the nature of underground pipelines is that they’re out of sight, out of mind. That buried infrastructure often gets overlooked during these household excavation projects – which can spell disaster for everyone involved. 

So, where exactly are these pipes and cables? Your state’s 811 Center can help you identify them. Call 811 before you dig to have representatives for your utilities sent out to mark all of the critical infrastructure, so you know where not to dig. Your 811 center’s representatives will also walk you through how you can check to make sure everyone has signed off and that it really is safe to dig. The best part is that this service is completely free! 

Calling 811 before you dig is 100% upside and can prevent everything from a major inconvenience to an actual threat to your health and safety. It’s quick, convenient, and free. So, this Call Before You Dig Day, please remember: just call 811 first.