2024 Fall ERAC/EMC Social Events

Oct 10, 2024 – Oct 11, 2024
Oklahoma City, OK
The Fall 2024 ERAC/EMC dinner will be held on Thursday, October 10th, from 6:00 to 9:00 PM at Vast Restaurant. The ERAC/EMC dinner provides a great opportunity for committee members to share notable work experiences, exchange best practices, and socialize outside of the conference setting. This is event is always well attended and tends to be one of the highlights of our meetings. On Friday, October 11th, together as a group, ERAC/EMC will take a docent-guided tour of the OKLA HOMMA exhibition from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM. In addition, starting at 10:30 AM, your ticket will allow you to self-tour other exhibits before and/or after our guided group tour.