2024 Fall ERAC Meeting

Oct 9, 2024 – Oct 11, 2024

The 2024 Fall Meeting of the Environmental Regulatory Action Committee (ERAC) will be held in Oklahoma City, Ok from Wednesday, October 9 to Friday, October 11. Please click the “Register” button above to sign up for the meeting. Our Fall 2024 meeting will be a hybrid of ERAC- or Environmental Matters Committee (EMC) only and joint ERAC/EMC sessions.  Participation in the ERAC-only sessions is limited to ERAC members and AGA-invited guests only. There is no cost to register for the ERAC sessions of the meeting.

For those who cannot attend the ERAC sessions in person, virtual participation will be available via Microsoft Teams. We will email the Teams access information to all ERAC members prior to the meeting. Virtual participants should sign up via the “Register” button above and indicate that you will be attending virtually.

We will hold a joint ERAC/EMC dinner on Thursday, October 10 and field trip on Friday, October 11. Details for the joint dinner and field trip are still being finalized and will be shared shortly. AGA will be providing a separate registration link to sign up for the dinner and the field trip. Note that there will be a per-person cost to attend.

Please note that registering for the 2024 Fall ERAC Meeting does not mean you are automatically registered for the 2024 AGA Operations Fall Committee Meetings & Workshops, such as the EMC-only session. If you wish to attend those events, you must register separately by clicking here. If you have already registered for EMC and plan to also attend ERAC, please ensure that you register for ERAC using the “register now” button.