High Pressure Distribution Service Taps

Background: Duke Energy/Piedmont Natural Gas is evaluating the design philosophy around High Pressure Distribution Service Taps. In particular, single customer…

GIS Data Sharing

An AGA member is interested in learning what approach to GIS data sharing other gas utilities are taking and, in…

Corrosion Control

Background: An AGA member company, Southern Company Gas, is interested in learning how other AGA member companies organize and staff…

Pneumatic Testing

Background: Under certain circumstances, National Grid may allow pneumatic testing of steel pipelines in place of hydrostatic testing and would…

Infill Expansion

Background: TECO PEOPLES GAS is reviewing a potential process improvement regarding using GIS as part of our infill expansion.  We…

On-Site H2 Production

Background: An AGA member company is considering installing scalable hydrogen (H2) generating/ storage equipment to help gain knowledge in the…

Isolated Steel

Survey reviewing protocols related to Isolated Steel infrastructure.

TIMP Significant Corrosion

The definition of ‘significant corrosion’ was raised as a recommendation that need to be reevaluated.

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