Making a Difference: Jason Haynes

  • Adam Kay
  • On a routine stop, Jason Haynes, a meter technician at Chesapeake Utilities Corporation subsidiary Elkton Gas, pulled into a gas station to fill up his company truck. As he filled up the tank, he suddenly heard a noise. As he looked around to identify the source of the sound, he realized that a middle-aged man had fallen to the ground, unconscious.

    Without hesitation, Jason sprinted over to the man. He saw that the man had landed hard and was bleeding out of the back of his head. Even more concerning, when Jason went to check for a pulse in his neck, he felt the pulse flutter, then stop. He realized the man had stopped breathing completely.

    Luckily, Jason had received CPR training from Chesapeake Utilities. Jason knew the importance of the emergency life-saving procedure and administered CPR until he felt the man’s pulse return.

    As the man took a gasp of air, Jason was relieved to hear ambulances approaching. When they arrived on the scene, the paramedics noted how lucky the man was that Jason had been there. As they took the man to the hospital to recover, Jason located the address that had been in the man’s wallet and went to inform his family to what had happened.

    When he arrived at the house, no one was home. Jason left a note with his personal phone number, explaining what had occurred. A few days later, the man’s sister contacted Jason, letting him know how thankful they were for his help at that critical moment.

    “The way I look at it, you might be working inside one of these houses and someone might collapse from a cardiac arrest,” Jason said, recounting the importance of his CPR training. “You never know when you might have to help someone.”

    Jason Haynes is a great example of how the training and passion of natural gas employees allow them to truly make a difference in their communities. We are incredibly honored to feature Jason’s story this month and grateful for his hard work and dedication to the people he serves.