Natural Gas Hero: William Scott

Safety is the natural gas industry’s top priority. As a service technician for Oklahoma Natural Gas, William Scott showed that commitment by putting his own safety on the line to save three local boys from a vicious dog attack. Faced with a dangerous situation, Scott acted swiftly and selflessly. And in that everyday act of heroism, Scott exemplified the crucial role that natural gas workers play in fueling our communities.
Scott was carrying out his routine duties – walking to check a gas meter in a quiet neighborhood – when he heard screams and turned to see a pit bull chasing three boys down the street. He watched in horror as the dog overtook one of the boys and began attacking him.
“He was maybe 85 pounds soaking wet…and the dog was mauling his arm,” said Scott. “I ran over there with my pipe wrench in one hand and my adjustable wrench in the other. I had the pipe wrench reared up – in case I’d need to hit the dog – when it ran off.”
Scott quickly grabbed paper towels and a first-aid kit from his truck and applied pressure to the boy’s arm while calling emergency medical services. Thankfully, while the bites were puncture wounds, the boy didn’t need stitches.
Scott credits his background as a prison guard for his ability to stay calm under pressure. Oklahoma Natural Gas’ parent company ONE Gas also offers first aid/CPR/automated external defibrillator training annually across the organization. “After everything was over,” he said, “all the kids gave me a hug and said, ‘Thank you so much.’ And the father shook my hand and said he was glad I was there.”
“Our priority is the protection of life, then property,” said Jim Jarett, vice president of operations for Oklahoma Natural Gas, the utility that employs more than 1,100 Oklahomans and provides reliable, affordable energy to 905,000 customers across the state. “William took this well beyond his everyday role in customer service when he intervened on behalf of this young kid who was in danger. His immediate and subsequent actions exemplify our No. 1 core value of safety.”
The natural gas industry’s commitment to safety permeates every aspect of utility operations. Every year, utilities show that commitment by investing more than $32 billion to enhance the safety of natural gas distribution and transmission systems. As part of our #FuelingOurCommunities program, the American Gas Association will continue to highlight stories of the countless natural gas heroes who help keep their customers and communities safe day in and day out. They use their training and expertise to help ensure we can safely heat our homes, cook our food and more. And when crises emerge that go beyond the usual requirements of a natural gas employee, heroes like Scott are ready to help. Thank you, William, for being a Natural Gas Hero!