Line Extension Allowances Fact Sheet
Line extension allowances (LEAs) are programs designed to offset some or all of the costs of connecting customers for natural…
On Capitol Hill and beyond, AGA champions the role of natural gas in energizing America’s future, advocating on behalf of natural gas utilities on a variety of issues related to the production, transmission, distribution and use of natural gas.
Line extension allowances (LEAs) are programs designed to offset some or all of the costs of connecting customers for natural…
Gas heat pumps can utilize a range of gaseous fuels including natural gas, renewable natural gas and hydrogen. Advanced gas…
Gas Utilities: Connecting the Hydrogen Economy
The American Gas Association (AGA) believes that hydrogen production, transportation, storage, and end-use can support pathways to low-carbon energy systems…
January 3, 2025 Download the Report The winter heating season, spanning from November 1 to March 31, is the period…
The question of whether allowed rates balance the interests of utilities and ratepayers is a frequent area of discussion at…
Natural gas utility financial and operation performance metrics are presented by year (in three-year intervals) and by company type (investor-owned…
Key Findings Economy-Wide Emissions Natural Gas Systems Figure 1: Read the full report below:
Line extension allowances (LEAs) are programs designed to offset some or all of the costs of connecting customers for natural…
AGA submitted a letter to the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Energy, Climate, and Grid Security regarding pipeline safety.
Heating Degree Days are a measure of the coldness of the weather experienced, based on the extent to which the daily…
AGA Safety & Occupational Health Committee (SOHC) developed this survey in 2022 to identify companies with proactive mechanisms in place…
AGA is seeking additional member participation in the Emerging Fuels Survey.
The Underground Storage Report measures the utilization of subsurface facilities for storing gas that has been transferred from its original…
Review statistical data on the natural gas industry.
New analysis is now addressing the critical intersection between environmental sustainability and economic efficiency in household energy use, allowing for informed decisions by consumers, policymakers and other stakeholders to enhance energy efficiency while maintaining multiple options for households to reduce their carbon impact and control living costs.
The AGA State Profile Pages are designed to provide a snapshot of the natural gas industry by presenting the following gas industry statistics for each state and market segment: utility sales revenues, consumption, customers, infrastructure (including reserves, production, and transmission and distribution lines), and efficiency program expenditures.
Nation Wide
Energy efficiency can be an effective resource for customers, communities, and states to reduce energy costs, provide essential energy services, improve energy reliability and resilience, boost the economy, and reduce the environmental footprint of energy use.
Comments & Testimony
AGA files cross-industry comments on the Leak Detection & Repair (LDAR) NPRM, proposed by PHMSA to fulfill Section 113 & 114 of the PIPES Act of 2020.
AGA, along with APGA, INGAA, API, GPA Midstream, AFPM, and NGA, filed cross-industry comments to the Leak Detection & Repair…
AGA files joint comments to Safety of Gas Distribution Pipelines (SGDP) Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM)
Cross-industry comments filed by AGA, APGA (American Public Gas Association), and NGA (Northeast Gas Association) to PHMSA’s NPRM seeking input…
AGA files joint comments on NTSB ANPRM on Incident Investigation Authority
AGA signed on to cross-industry comments filed to NTSB’s Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPRM) seeking input on incident investigation…
AGA files joint comments following Gas Pipeline Advisory Committee (GPAC) meetings on Leak Detection & Repair (LDAR) rule
AGA co-signed joint Association comments to the docket covering two GPAC meetings on the Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR) rule,…