Federal Regulatory Issues and Advocacy

AGA advocates on behalf of its member natural gas distribution utilities before Federal agencies in the area of energy market regulation.

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) regulates wholesales sales, transportation and storage of natural gas in interstate commerce. AGA members purchase these services from interstate pipelines regulated by FERC, and some AGA members provide interstate services and are directly regulated by FERC for part of their operations.

The Commodity Futures Trading Commission regulates commodity exchanges and financial and derivative transactions related to commodities, including natural gas. Many AGA members use financial transactions, both exchange-traded and over-the-counter, to hedge volatility in the cost of providing natural gas service.

The AGA FERC Regulatory Committee implements the AGA’s policy priorities in the area of energy market regulation, including formulating responses to FERC and CFTC regulatory initiatives.

AGA Policy Positions

On February 5, AGA submitted comments to TSA’s Enhancing Surface Cyber Risk Management Proposed Rule. If finalized the proposal would…