AGA Files/Joins 3 Comment Letters Supporting NWP 12 Streamlines Permits for Pipeline Stream Crossings
AGA Files/Joins 3 Comment Letters Supporting NWP 12 Streamlined Permits for Pipeline Stream Crossings
On May 27, AGA participated in three sets of comments urging the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers not to revise the streamlined Nationwide Permit 12 (NWP 12), which provides a streamlined general permit for the minor, temporary discharge of “dredge or fill” material where natural gas pipeline or utility line construction or maintenance affects ½ acre or less of a federal stream or wetland. First, AGA filed detailed joint comments with INGAA. Second, we filed a separate letter enclosing our AGA Pathways to Net Zero Study. Third, AGA joined the high level Coalition comments filed by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Our detailed joint AGA-INGAA comments explain that natural gas is a foundational fuel source central to meeting U.S. and global climate goals, that our members rely on NWP 12 for the timely authorization of pipeline and gas utility line projects across the country, and that modifying NWP 12 to limit or delay its use would be inconsistent with Congress’s goal of creating a streamlined permitting program and impose undue administrative requirements on the Corps, State agencies, and the public. Contact Pam Lacey or Tim Parr