Average Use per Residential Natural Gas Consumer

- Normalized natural gas use per residential gas customer fell 51% between 1971 and 2023, or 1.34% per year for 53 years.
- Since 2020, use per customer has declined faster than the previous decade average (1.45% versus 0.69%). 2023 alone declined by 4.0%. Historical annual rates of decline are as follows:
- 1970–1979: 1.06%
- 1980–1989: 1.26%
- 1990–1999: 0.89%
- 2000–2009: 1.51%
- 2010–2020: 0.69%
- 2020–2023: 1.45%
- Non-weather-dependent appliances such as cooking stoves, water heaters, and dryers have experienced significant reductions in average natural gas consumption per customer. Non-weather-dependent use of natural gas per customer has declined at an average annual rate of 1.80% since 1971.
- Despite the significant decline in normalized use per customer in 2023, the total number of households with natural gas grew by 1% from 72.52 million to 73.23 million.
Supplemental Materials from AGA’s Normalized Use per Customer Model
- Non-weather-dependent appliance volumes are assumed to match the average consumption during July and August, with the excess consumption in other months assumed to be weather-sensitive.
- Weather-sensitive heating demand is normalized by multiplying load by the ratio of 30-year normal heating degree days over actual annual calendar heating degree days.

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