Gas Facts: Energy Consumption

2023% Change 2023/2022
GAS INDUSTRY DELIVERIES (Trillion Btu)30,709.4+ 0.6
Residential4,686.2– 8.7
Commercial3,461.7– 4.7
Industrial22,498.3+ 3.7
Industrial Only8,860.0+ 0.3
Electric Generation13,638.3+ 5.0
Other63.2– 4.1

NOTE: Total natural gas consumption includes natural gas deliveries to all end-users by all segments of the industry (producers, gatherers, pipelines and local distribution companies) and includes pipeline fuel and lease and plant fuel. For reporting purposes in Gas Facts, deliveries to end-users include sales and transportation volumes. Utility sales volumes include only system sales. Transportation volumes comprise gas owned by the end-user and delivered to them by local distribution companies or pipeline companies.