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DOE’s Furnace Rule Harms Americans
A final rule from DOE will eliminate non-condensing furnaces and affect 55 percent of U.S. households. This elimination will drastically increase costs for families and increase greenhouse gas emissions.

AGA Responds to EPA’s Proposal to Remove Gas Furnaces from Energy Star Program
On June 22, 2023, AGA filed comments with EPA regarding the proposal to sunset ENERGY STAR Version 4.1 specification for…
Natural Gas Market Indicators – June 15, 2023
Market Summary Weather On June 8, the NOAA Climate Prediction Center announced that El Niño conditions have developed as the…
Empowering Consumer Choices: Analyzing the Impact of the ENERGY STAR Program on the Adoption of High-Efficiency Gas Appliances
The American Gas Association developed the following analysis of the Environmental Protection Agency’s ENERGY STAR program and its effectiveness in…
AGA Joins Coalition Comments on Proposal to Restrict Regulated Industry Input Regulations
On June 6, AGA joined a multi-trade association comment letter expressing concern about the White House Office of Management and…
AGA Comments on IRS Superfund Chemical Excise Tax NOPR and Methane Fuel Exemption
On March 30, AGA filed comments on an IRS proposed rule to implement the reinstated Superfund Chemical Excise Tax. The…
Natural Gas Market Indicators – June 2, 2023
The EIA’s Drilling Productivity Report anticipates a new production record out of the Permian Basin for June.
AGA Testimony to the House Oversight Subcommittee on Economic Growth, Energy Policy, and Regulatory Affairs
On Wednesday, May 24, the House Oversight Subcommittee on Economic Growth, Energy Policy, and Regulatory Affairs is hosting a hearing…
Energy Insights: Natural Gas Appliance Types Used by Households
Supplemental Materials Natural Gas Market Shares Based on Appliances Configuration Source: Based on data from DOE Energy Information Administration, Residential…
Natural Gas Market Indicators – May 15, 2023
The EIA forecasts natural gas consumption for power generation to average 38 Bcf per day in the summer of 2023.