AGA Files March 14, 2019 Comments on EPA’s Draft 2019 Greenhouse Gas Inventory
In a February 12, 2019 Federal Register notice (84 Fed. Reg. 3444), EPA requested comment on the 2019 draft GHGI…
A final rule from DOE will eliminate non-condensing furnaces and affect 55 percent of U.S. households. This elimination will drastically increase costs for families and increase greenhouse gas emissions.
In a February 12, 2019 Federal Register notice (84 Fed. Reg. 3444), EPA requested comment on the 2019 draft GHGI…
AGA’s Comments on FERC’s NOPR for Revisions to the Filing Process for FERC Forms, Docket No. RM19-12 – March 6,…
AGA’s Comments on Prudential Regulator’s Standardized Approach for Calculating the Exposure Amount of Derivative Contracts – February 28, 2019
AGA’s Comments on Prudential Regulator’s Standardized Approach for Calculating the Exposure Amount of Derivative Contracts – February 28, 2019
AGA filed comments in November 2018 strongly supporting EPA’s draft information collection request (ICR) renewal to allow continued operation of…
A nationwide field study by Washington State University concluded that as little as 0.1 percent of the natural gas delivered…
By investing in the efficiency of buildings and appliances, promoting smart energy choices and subsidizing energy-saving efforts for low-income families,…
Attachment 2019 Pipeline Safety_FINAL.pdf
Extreme cold weather events can have significant effects on costs associated with space heating requirements. The events of January 2019…
As in most free markets, natural gas price is chiefly influenced by supply and demand. Natural gas is a domestic…
Natural gas comprises almost one-fourth of all primary energy used in the U.S. and is directly linked to jobs and…
The term natural gas prices is often used to refer to a number of different types of prices. Some natural…