Performance Benchmarks for Natural Gas Utilities
Natural gas utility financial and operation performance metrics are presented by year (in three-year intervals) and by company type (investor-owned gas-only, gas and electric combination companies, or municipals). Benchmark indicators include utility operation profile, financial statements and ratios, O&M detail, debt ratios, wages and benefits, and profitability.
Please direct inquires to:
Brendan O’Brien, Director, Energy Analysis, (202) 824-7220
- Benchmarks 2019-2021 (EA 2023-04), April 20, 2023
- Benchmarks 2018-2020 (EA 2022-06), June 30, 2022
- Benchmarks 2017-2019 (EA 2021-03), June 30, 2021
- Benchmarks 2016-2018 (EA 2020-03), March 31, 2020
- Benchmarks 2015-2017 (EA 2019-03), March 31, 2019
- Benchmarks 2014-2016 (EA 2018-01, May 31, 2018)
- Benchmarks 2012-2014 (EA 2016-01, Jan. 31, 2016)
- Benchmarks 2011-2013 (EA 2015-01, Jan. 31, 2015)
- Benchmarks 2010-2012 (EA 2014-03, Feb. 28, 2014)
- Benchmarks 2009-2011 (EA 2012-06, Dec. 30, 2012)
- Benchmarks 2008-2010 (EA 2011-10, Dec. 30, 2011)
- Benchmarks 2007-2009 (EA 2010-12, Dec 20, 2010)
- Benchmarks 2006-2008 (EA 2009-04, Dec 18, 2009)
- Benchmarks 2005-2007 (EA 2008-05, Dec 30, 2008)
- Benchmarks 2004-2006 (EA 2008-01, Mar 07, 2008)
- Benchmarks 2003-2005 (EA 2006-11, Dec 28, 2006)
- Benchmarks 2002-2004 (EA 2006-04, Feb 28, 2006)
- Benchmarks 2001-2003 (EA 2004-05, Dec 29, 2004)
- Benchmarks 2000-2002 (EA 2003-05, Dec 29, 2003)
- Benchmarks 1999-2001 (EA 2002-04, Dec 27, 2002)
- Benchmarks 1999-2000 (EA 2001-04, Dec 07, 2001)
- Benchmarks 1997-1999 (EA 2001-01, Jan 26, 2001)
- Benchmarks 1996-1998 (EA 2000-02, Apr 29, 2000)